
Websites and places that I would suggest you visit! / Tyron / Hitbox Dimension is AJ/Tyron's personal blog where he writes about his experiences (usually videogames, sofware and hardware). He also has a youtube channel with videos such as a 2-minute introduction to riichi mahjong and my favorite discord server Hitbox Dimension.

Hundred rabbits / Devine + Rek / Merveilles

Did you ever wonder what's like to go off-grid and rely exclusively on only open technologies?

Hundred rabbits is a collective of two great people, Devine and Rek, who went to live on a boat sailing the pacific ocean. They routinely push the minimalism bar by showing how much you can do with limited hardware in conditions of extreme isolation and they create a lot of incredible open source software. The website contains an incredible amount of knowledge on topics related to living off-grid and their travel diary.

Their Mastodon is full of very interesting people and also the only community I know where one of the rules is that all profile pictures must be black & white.